Tyres Polluting Landfill Sites

Pollution from tyres is a big issue due to huge amounts being deposited in landfill sites. This is having a devastating impact on the environment.

Every year millions of tyres are deposited into landfill sites. In the UK alone, a staggering six million scrap tyres are added to landfill sites annually. These tyres often sit for extended periods of time, taking up space and releasing toxic chemicals such as benzene and toluene.

These tyres also pose a threat due to being highly flammable as they contain high fossil fuel content. Once these fires start they are very difficult to put out and using water is dangerous as the chemicals released are washed away and end up polluting water sources. However, most tyre fires are not spontaneous but as a result of arson. This still causes a huge threat to the surrounding areas and the growing ecosystem around the site. 

Another negative resulting from landfill is that the natural resources used to produce the tyres are wasted and with a limited supply this is not something we can afford to be doing. It is much more beneficial to recycle the used tyres. This can either be by re-treading and reusing the same tyre or by recycling into other useful products and separating as much reusable material as possible from each tyre. 

Here at ETS, we want to have no part in the destruction tyres have on the planet so we send no waste to landfill but instead recycle using the tyre shredder and also by re-treading used tyres. This is beneficial for us and the environment as we get to reuse old tyres, meaning they have a longer lifetime and are therefore more efficient and worthwhile. This also means that we can be proud in saying that we are not contributing to the disappointing harm facing our planet.  

Check out our recycling page to find out more about how we recycle our tyres and are helping the planet by sending zero waste to landfill.

tyres in landfill site

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Earthmover Tyre Solutions cover London, Birmingham, Glasgow, Liverpool, Bristol, Manchester, Sheffield, Leeds, Edinburgh, Leicester, Coventry, Bradford, Nottingham, Hull, Newcastle, Stoke, Southampton, Derby, Portsmouth, Brighton, Plymouth, Northampton, Wakefield & Reading

Head Office: 5 Acre Lake, Mires Lane, North Cave, East Yorkshire, HU15 2QP
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